Sunday, December 16, 2007

KENT: Leeds Castle. Gardens, Ducks, and Industry

Leeds Castle in Kent - modestly described as "the loveliest castle in the world," see  There is the required moat, water, gardens, great ducks.

This Leeds Castle is in Kent, not in the County of Leeds, so it appears that  "Travellers in Leeds," a site about Roma, is not focused here.  See 

  • Leeds Castle was named for a minister of old King Ethelbert IV, king who lived 856-860 AD.  It is not even near Leeds the City. See the Leeds Castle Timeline at  
  • It was first a Saxon fortress, then a stone castle Norman "donjon" built by Robert Crevecoeur (donjon now gone), then King Edward I , 1272-1307, took over and made many structures and improvements, King Edward II successfully attacked in 1321, time passes, Henry VIII makes it a royal palace in the 1500's, etc.  Take a look. The castle ghost?  a large black dog, says the Timeline.
Leeds Castle grounds offer a place for wandering. Spot the ducks. This particular duck is a Muscovy. See

Muscovy Duck, Leeds Castle, Kent, England

Meanwhile, go to the gardens at the castle. 

 Gardens, Leeds Castle, Kent, England

Is this so:  that the uglier the persecutions, and the more rigid the thought, the more regimented are the gardens as well?

Nature likes some looseness instead, I think. Something there is doesn't love a straight line.

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